Aug 30, 2009

Hazards Due to Excess Use Of Computer => Prevention From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome! and Exercises

This is very Important Post for those who spend long hours on Computer either because of work or just for surfing the Internet (Including Me too)!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS leads to Weakness of Arm Muscles and its further consequences can be very harsh if we avoid it’s symptoms completely. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be easily avoided by means of some simple exercises few minutes a day.
First of all it’s very essential that you get complete information regarding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome right here or via Google 
FOR Solution

Following are some of the best Postures by which you can easily avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and it’s harsh effects:

The above figure clearly depicts the Elbow Position for Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The above figure clearly depicts How you must rest your Palm on Mouse for Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The above figure clearly depicts How you must use your Keyboard in order to Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Following are some simple exercises that you must do after each long session of your Computer Work, this will keep you far away from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Stretching towards backward and Holding your Palm there for 5 Seconds

Stretching your Palm in Down Position and Holding there for 5 Seconds

Lie down on abdomen apply pressure on palm as if trying to get up

Incline the palm sideways as much as you can for 5 seconds
Yes! the above mentioned simple Postures and Exercises will keep you far away from CTS!
Disclaimer: Came to me as an E-mail and full credit goes to Original Sender!

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