Blogging is a great way to get some popularity on Internet and also earn some dollars. Using your blog to earn good amount of money is also possible, but you need to dedicate your lot of time to blogging and building a empire around your blog. The most useful and easier way to do so is to use Social Networking sites but many new bloggers use a lot of sites and waste their valuable time on those sites. In this post, I am sharing some useful tips for using the Social media to increase your Blog traffic and sharing the easier ways to spread your blog posts.
How many networks to use?
This is a important thing, You need only few but important sites matching with your Blog niche to get high traffic from these sites. So chose wisely so that you don’t waste your time on sites where you can’t get high traffic. 4-5 main sites can improve your Traffic.
Which sites to use?
There are many online article submitting or bookmarking sites, but if you use them all, you waste your valuable time that you can utilize on blogging. The most important sites according to me are Twitter, Digg, Facebook, Delicious, StumbleUpon and FriendFeed. These all sites can give you much traffic if you use them in a better way. There are some more good sites too but you only need to use them if you are not getting traffic from these sites. Blogs related to Technology can get high traffic from these 5 sites.
How to use them all?
There are many ways of using these sites. You can just sign up and share your blog posts only and sit back or spam it everywhere. But these two methods are not good for your blog. You will get nothing by these methods. You need to use them in a good way to get quality traffic.
On Delicious, tutorials or collection of tools/tutorials work best. If you write a list post or tutorial, then you can submit it there, you will get a good traffic.
Twitter, Facebook and FriendFeed
Twitter, Facebook and FriendFeed work in a similar way, you need to add good friends and add good links to your feeds (Facebook & Twitter) and comment on your friends’ posts (Facebook and FriendFeed). Being active on all these three networks can be difficult and time consuming, you can reduce it by using tools like TweetDeck to post to Facebook and Twitter in a go. FriendFeed allows you to add other services like Facebook, Twitter, Digg and your blog’s feed. So you don’t need to worry about posting on FriendFeed, but don’t forget to be active there and interact with your friends.
On Digg, you need to be active, Digg every good post and submit your blog articles too. Latest news, rumors and list posts perform better on Digg. For getting more friends, comment on as many posts as you can, related to your blog niche.
StumbleUpon is easy to use, just install the toolbar and click on ‘I like’ button on every good post or site while surfing. Similarly submit your own blog posts; it will also give you good amount of traffic.
So this was a detailed guide on how to use these sites to increase your blog traffic and also without any wastage of time. Not one more important thing, before all these things you need to write good and genuine articles to get visitors.