Jun 3, 2009

FAP Turbo Forex Trading Robot - Is it Too Good to Be True?

Fap Turbo is a new forex robot that has hit the market by storm and has already received great reviews. Created by 3 IT students named Steve, Mike and Ulrich, this plug & play trading system can automatically place trades 24 hours a day without any human intervention. This system is considered to be an improved version of Marcus Leary's Forex Autopilot.

Why is this software different than any other software out there?

  1. You can make money no matter what the size of your account is. You can start trading with as little as $50.
  2. You can install the software on their Virtual Private Server. This way you can turn off your computer and still have FapTurbo work for you.
  3. Its winning rate is 95.9% and its drawdown is 0.35%, when most systems have a 10%-20% drawdown.
  4. They are the only ones that show actual live trading results and not just backtesting results.
  5. It uses 2 strategies to maximize profits: the scalping strategy (short-term) and the advanced strategy (long-term).
  6. Its risk controls and its ability to find profit opportunities are higher than any other robot out there.
  7. Fap Turbo has the greatest customer support. They promptly respond to any email.
There are some people who are skeptical about this program. Usually these people are skeptical about automated traders in general, because they want to have control over their trading. However, using a software can be very helpful. A human being can't possibly work 24 hours a day, like a robot can.

What about you? Do you believe FAP Turbo is too good to be true?

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